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Six Foods That Fight the Flu

Boost your immunity with healthy recipes from Epicurious and advice from John La Puma, M.D.
By Megan O. Steintrager

Recipes for Healthy Foods that Fight the Flu: Wild Salmon with Pearl Couscous, Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup, Chicken and White Bean Soup, and Fig Salad with Goat's Milk Yogurt
Pictured: Wild Salmon with Pearl Couscous vacuum tube, Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup, Chicken and White Bean Soup, and Fig Salad with Goat's Milk Yogurt

H ave you noticed that people who normally shun shots are scrambling to get flu vaccines this year? And that's just the "regular" flu shot—vaccinations against H1N1, or "swine flu," aren't even widely available yet. At Epicurious, we're always looking for a food solution to any problem, so we contacted John La Puma, M.D., the author of Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, for advice about what to eat to boost immunity and fight the flu.

Before we jump into La Puma's list of top flu-fighting foods, here are a few notes from the doctor:

Swine flu is most likely to be spread the same way as any kind of flu—from person-to-person contact, through coughing and sneezing— and the "best and easiest protection" against flu, including swine flu, is to "wash your hands often, for 15 to 20 seconds, with soap and water, or with an alcohol-based hand cleaner, [rubbing] until your hands are dry."
You can't get swine flu from eating pork or from drinking bottled or tap water, two common myths about contagion.
People with immunity problems, such as thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and celiac disease, should talk to their doctors before upping their intake of immunity-boosting foods, because "their immune systems are already overstimulated."
Some reputed immunity-boosters, including garlic, foods high in zinc (such as oysters and peanuts), and foods rich in conjugated linoleic acid (hard cheeses) have not been proven to fight the flu.

Read on for the six foods La Puma says should be in your flu season diet.

Quercetin Powerhouse Produce: Apples, Onions, Broccoli, and Tomatoes

Quercetin is one of many thousands of flavonoids—substances that are responsible for plants' colors, as well as many of their health benefits. La Puma says that in research performed on mice, stressful exercise increased flu susceptibility but quercetin canceled out the negative effects. The same illness-fighting results were found in a study on cyclists, La Puma says, citing a study from Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. Quercetin is also believed to aid in disease prevention thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties (to learn more about inflammation, read our feature on the Anti-Inflammatory Diet). So load up on quercetin-packed produce, including apples, onions, broccoli brushless dc motor, and tomatoes. Tip: When buying tomatoes, consider choosing organic, which La Puma says have higher levels of quercetin than conventionally grown ones (the same is true for lycopene in tomatoes).
recipes to try:
Vegetable and Chickpea Ragout
Frisée and Apple Salad with Dried Cherries and Walnuts
Black Sea Bass with Moroccan Vegetables and Chile Sauce

Chicken Soup

It's not a suburban legend: Chicken soup really does have healing properties, according to La Puma. A steaming bowl of soup (unappetizing language alert) "reduces mucus and facilitates coughing it up." And it seems that chicken soup is more effective at the job than hot water, according to research cited by La Puma. To get the anti-inflammatory and other health benefits of produce too, the doctor suggests making chicken soup with vegetables rather than using store-bought condensed soup or cooking with chicken alone. He shares a favorite recipe for Simple Sopa Azteca on his Web site, and Epicurious has dozens of healthy chicken and vegetable soup recipes, including the ones below.
recipes to try:
Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup
Chicken and Hominy Soup
Chicken and White Bean Soup with Herb Swirl

Green Tea

Add fighting the flu to the long list of green tea's health benefits, which also include fighting cancer and heart disease and possible links to "lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes and stroke, and staving off dementia," according to WebMD. Green tea is high in "anti-viral activity against influenza," says La Puma, citing studies involving green tea from the Dr. Rath Research Institute in Santa Clara, CA, and the Department of Biotechnology, College of Engineering, Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. While all kinds of tea are made from the same leaves, white and green teas contain higher levels of catechins—the flavonoids thought to be responsible for tea's antiviral properties—than oolong and black teas. Although the studies La Puma cites involved green tea, it's likely that white tea has similar flu-fighting powers. Black and oolong tea do have some catechins and are higher than green tea in other polyphenols, so while they might be the second choice for the flu, they are still good for overall health.
recipes to try:
Green-Tea Soy Broth
Scallop Tea Rice
Angel Punch

Vitamin D–Rich Foods: Salmon, Light Tuna, Sardines, Milk, and Cereal

Vitamin D has been a hot topic in the news recently Amethyst earrings, with stories about the sunshine vitamin's many health benefits dovetailing with reports that suggest that many of us don't get enough of it. La Puma says experiments in the 1940s showed that mice that received diets low in vitamin D were more susceptible to experimental swine flu infection than those that received adequate vitamin D. While the same has not yet been proven in humans, La Puma and many other experts believe that getting sufficient vitamin D can offer protection against swine flu—the vitamin is believed to cause the production of antimicrobial substances in the body. "In winter, too little vitamin D is made in your skin, because the angle of the sun is too low," says La Puma. "And winter is when you get flu." The good news is that food can pick up the slack. Milk (which is fortified with vitamin D in the U.S.), malted drink mixes, and fortified cereals such as Total Raisin Bran and Whole Grain Total all provide vitamin D, but La Puma says roasted sockeye salmon is the single best source, gram for gram. Roasting the fish allows it to maintain the most vitamin D. "Cooking fatty fish with oil allows the vitamin D to leak out," says La Puma. "Cooking fatty fish in water does retain a little vitamin D, at least in theory, so poaching and steaming work better than frying, deep-frying, and sautéing."

Other good seafood sources of vitamin D are chinook and pink salmon, as well as light tuna and sardines packed in oil. "Packing (but not cooking) fish in oil allows retention of omega-3s and vitamin D," says La Puma. But, he warns, "pouring off the oil from canned fish pours off the vitamin D too."In addition to making the dishes below, try omitting the step of draining the canned fish in recipes such as Sicilian-Style Pasta with Sardines or Tuna, White Bean, and Red Onion Salad. If you are not a fan of the flavor or extra calories in oil-packed fish, don't worry: Water-packed varieties do have some vitamin D, just not quite as much as oil-packed. For more information, see Epicurious's sister site Nutrition Data's list of foods highest in vitamin D. Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna was the top pick for oil-packed varieties in Epicurious's Canned Tuna Taste Test.
recipes to try:
Baked Sockeye Salmon with Bell Peppers and Capers
Wild Salmon with Pearl Couscous, Slow-Roasted Tomatoes, and Lemon Oregano Oil
Penne with Tuna, Basil, and Lemon

Yogurt and Kefir with Live Active Cultures

Epicurious's recent blog post Fight Off the Flu with Delicious Yogurt Recipes discussed a study that suggests that probiotics—the friendly bacteria found in yogurt and some other foods, as well as in pill form—may reduce cold and flu symptoms. La Puma cites the same study and says that probiotics have been shown to reduce the incidence and duration of fever, cough, and runny nose by 73, 62, and 59 percent in kids ages 3 to 5, respectively. While the study was done with supplements, La Puma says we "foodistas" may prefer to get our probiotics from what we eat. When buying yogurt and kefir, be sure to look for the "Live and Active Cultures" label and choose one with as many different strains of cultures as possible. For more on how different strains affect health, see probiotic confusion from Nutrition Data. As the author of the article, Monica Reinagel, M.S., L.D./N., notes, friendly bacteria can also be found in fermented foods such as kim-chi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and miso, and "eating a variety of fermented foods, which provides a wider variety of bacterial strains, might offer a wider range of benefits."
recipes to try:
Moroccan-Style Vegetable Stew with Harissa Yogurt Sauce
Fig Salad with Goat's Milk Yogurt and Pepper Cress
Roast Chicken Breasts with Garbanzo Beans, Tomatoes, and Paprika

Chiles Such as Serranos, Jalapeños, and Poblanos

Spicy peppers don't just help clear your sinuses, they're also a great source of vitamin C, which "has been tested in influenza A and been shown to reduce the incidence of pneumonia that comes with flu," says La Puma. The vitamin has antiviral properties and stimulates antibody production, explains La Puma. Not a chili-head? Sweet red bell peppers are also packed with vitamin C, as are guava, kiwi, oranges, green bell peppers, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, and papaya, according to the USDA.

Healthier Snacks & Treats

Snacks are part of the American way of life. We are a nation of snackers. Because I work from home, I have no "break room" stocked with drinks and snacks, but that doesn't mean I don't help myself to a nibble now and then. I most frequently indulge in snacks when I'm traveling because it's not always easy to find a satisfying meal in between departure and arrival. In general I prefer healthier snacks mathconcept, they just taste better to me. Stock up on these for the home, office or on to take the road.

G.H. Cretors
When I pass through Chicago O'Hare, I sometimes buy some "Chicago mix" that wacky sounding but utterly delicious combination of caramel corn and cheese corn. Each bite is salty sweet and so crisp and buttery. I've never found anything as good as what they sell in Chicago, until I got a sample of G.H.Cretors. They offer cheese popcorn and caramel corn separately but trust me, you want to try them combined. So truth be told, these are not the healthiest, but healthier than potato chips, so that's something.

Sahale Snacks
I've been crazy about these creative fruit and nut mixes since I tried them at the Fancy Food Show a few years ago. Not your typical trail mix, they come in amazing flavor combinations like Pomegranate, Pistachios with Almonds, Cherries and Black Pepper or Sing Buri Cashews with pineapple, peanuts, Lemongrass and Mild Chinese Chili. The "Crunchers" come in both sweet and savory formulations like Cranberries Mathnasium, Sesame Seeds or Honey Almond Snack with Parmesan Cheese and Herbs. Depending on the flavor, they are recommended for use on salads, yogurt and oatmeal, rice and pasta. I think they would be great on stir fried vegetables as well.

Oren's Kitchen
When putting together a gift for a friend, I remembered how good these nut mixes are and added a pack. They come in flavors like Smoked Paprika Pecans and Coconut Chili Macadamias, but my favorite are the Wild Rosemary Almonds, which are perfectly slow roasted. Good as a snack but they could also be chopped and added to salads or served with a cheese plate.

Snapea Crisps
Perhaps you've come across these cute little snacks that look like snap peas, but are made from legumes like dried red lentils, beans and green peas. They taste like junk food, but they are much healthier than potato chips with almost half as much fat and sodium. They come in different flavors like Tomato Basil, Onion Thyme and Wasabi Ranch. I've enjoyed each of them that I've tried, but I warn you, an open bag is moments away from being an empty bag…

Ocean's Halo
It's hard to describe the flavor of seaweed. It's kind of earthy and briny but herbal too. You probably either love it or hate it. I love it. I like those crisp little seaweed snacks that you find all over these days. But now there's a chip made from seaweed that has a much crunchier thicker texture, but the same intense flavor of the sea. I really like the sea salt flavor and look forward to trying the chile lime and Korean BBQ versions too. Halo snacks are available at select Whole Foods markets. As an added plus SIEM Service Provider, the bag they come in is 100% compostable, though not edible! That would be pretty cool though.

Recently I got a sample of Crunchies latest flavors Sweet Buttered Corn and BBQ Roasted Vegetables. I like the corn because it's light and sweet. Like the dehydrated fruits and vegetables that I reviewed from Sensible Foods I think you could use it on salads or as a topping on soup. The BBQ version which includes a variety of dehydrated vegetables does not taste much like BBQ at all. And I don't really like the peas which are a bit starchy tasting, but the tomatoes and red peppers are very good. If you're interested in trying this, I'd recommend sticking with the corn.



2012年10月1日,這一天是中秋過後餘韻仍殘的國慶節。就是他把心丟掉的那一天。昆明站城際列車站台前石柱下默默佇立的她,顯得那麼孤寂。我多想走出來把你擁在懷裡。站台裡回首的我心糾作一團,在喋血。 “你走吧,既然你跟不了我一輩子。”這句話鬼使神差的發到了她的gucci handbags sale手機上。 “我站一會,心裡會好過一點。”原來她心裡也不還過。


2012年10月6日,下午 7點。路燈再一次告訴他“晚了,看不見了。”之間他無數次的想起他那隱秘的動作,隨意地一扔。可是他就是想不起,他的手是往這四個花壇中的哪一個隨意地揚了一下?又是揚向了那一叢灌木?那時的他迷茫得只知道“原來,昨天她跟我說了那麼多,說??不知道如何選擇都是假的,她知道最後我會把心要回,所以一切都準備好了,我才開口她第一時間便拿了出來,嘿嘿,嘿嘿,最後一次的試探讓他傷心欲絕,讓他忘記了當時的一切。”不管了,把四個花壇,底朝天的翻了個遍。可最後路燈還是告訴他“晚了,看不見了。”不甘心的他以為上天會眷顧他的。

2012年10月7日,早上7點20。同樣的身影在一次出現在同樣的Neogen Derma花壇裡,同樣的動作,同樣的目的。只是晚上7點路燈再一次告訴他“晚了,看不見了。”
死心了吧?兩次了,徹徹底底的把花壇地毯式的搜索了兩遍,人行道旁散滿了枯葉。那是從花壇裡丟出來的。之間不知有多少路上的行人用不可描述的眼神看著他,可是他都當做沒發現。陌生人的問話,回答只有“呵呵,呵呵,嘿嘿。”呵呵,呵呵,嘿嘿。 “這個人是不是?”“別亂說。”



車窗裡丟出一句話“你想死啊?”僥倖他沒事。 “對不起,我沒注意。”車子的發動機響起。嘿嘿,這大哥的車技不錯,不然他老弟不掛也要殘。

“心”找不到了,他搓搓手從口袋裡掏出手套戴上,又緊了緊圍巾,縮著身子走在回去的路上。打開門看到房裡的溫度計上顯示著7°,打開電腦記錄這一生的vacuum bag悔。









Tri-Colored Lentil Soup

This vegetarian soup is more like a robust stew. It has plenty of flavor—you don’t need any stock which is fine because that makes it fit the new, healthy and clean eating program you’ve probably resolved to take up in the new year. Don’t get too excited about the red lentils, they turn brownish when they are cooked but they’re fun to use nevertheless. I like to use Le Puy green lentils because they hold their shape—they are available at Whole Foods. You can substitute plain ol’ green lentils if you wish. If you can find red chard it will add some color to the soup, along with the greens calories app. This is one of those nothing-too-fancy winter staples that you will want to have on the stove during a snow storm, or tuck in your freezer for a rainy day.

This soup turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It started off well with sauteed onions and garlic and toasted spices. The three-colored legumes were really pretty. Everything was going well until I added 12 cups of water, which turned the soup watery and diluted the spices and aromatics. I was pretty certain I was going to have to throw the whole thing away till I added in the chard and the lemon and zest. The soup was transformed. The lemon and chard turned it from a watery pot of beans to a sublime, light, lemony vegetable soup -- perfect for spring, cleansing even. I suggest that you add less water--start with 8 cups instead of 12 -- and increase the spices and aromatics, especially if you like thick lentil soup. (You can add more water later if you need it.) Don't skimp on the greens or the lemon -- they really make the soup extraordinary.

Serves 8

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon ground coriander
4 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
2 stalks celery, cut in small dice
2 carrots, cut in small dice
1 cup green lentils
1 cup red lentils
1 cup yellow split peas
1 bunch Swiss chard (Ruby or green)
1 lemon, finely grated zest and juice
2 to 3 rounds of pita bread

In a large (6 quart) pot, heat the oil until it shimmers. Add the garlic, onions, cumin, thyme, coriander, salt and cayenne pepper reenex. Cook until the onions begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Add the celery and carrots and cook for 2 more minutes. Add the lentils and the 12 cups of water and simmer for 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, separate the chard stems from the leaves: stack the chard and slice along either side of the stems. Cut across the stems to make 3/8-inch wide slices. Add the stems to the soup and cook for 10 more minutes.

Stack the leaves and cut them in 1-inch ribbons. Add them to the soup with the lemon zest and juice. Cook for about 5 minutes Metro Ethernet Provider, until the leaves are wilted. Taste and add more salt if needed. Crumble some toasted pita on top of each soup bowl for garnish.


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